Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Riding the Ships of our Shared Delight...

Please read the following passage with the following perspective in mind first, then in a conventional sense as you would to a team you serve.

As the leader of all of your sub personalities- I invite you to read the following, with each of them in mind, as if you are reading this on stage to all the parts of yourself,  as the team navigating spaceship called you

You are the Captain 
and the crew 
and the ship 
made of pure light and love 
sailing in the ocean 
of your own 
dream cosmos

Tuner adjusting the flow, revealing the gift.
The artist of spirit chiseling away the illusion for each one of us,
Clearing the crusty barnacles of old memories past,
Revealing the real, embracing the pristine ships
Ready to sail forth on our joyous journey,
Together we embark as love.

Seer synthesizing the vision, tracking the star maps
Plotting our course, knowing the networks and illuminating the pattern
Connect the dots and painting the picture,
Of the future manifest we hold so openly in the present.

Listener attuning to the necessary, feeling the patterns of the flow.
Recognizing the hearts' nourishment, following the fragrant threads of light,
Which illuminate the path of cultural evolution.
Feeling the heart of all as it pulses with innate rhythm, dancing joyous evolution.

Conductor curating the flow, synergizing the systems and
Orchestrating the harmonies of the emerging timelines.
Manifesting the collective magnificence born
From dynamic cooperation with your seamless choreography.
Inspiring the teams with radiant heart minds, clear eyed warrior of light coordinating the choir.

Sayer singing the meaning, sounding the resonance of joy.
Living lyrical awakenings through the voice of the heart.
Celebrating the deeper metaphors shared through song, stage and screen.
Awakening the hearts' return to soulful nutrients long forgotten.
Unveiling the grand gala of free spirits on a mission to serve our collective destiny.

Servant leader, never alone, ever listening to the team.
Heart centered you guide us into the unknown as we each discover our own meaning with this mysterious destiny.
Ever refining the essence of leadership, curiously discovering it is you.
Your revealed greatness lays the path for the greatness of all.

Leapers eternally surrendering to the leap of love,
Feel the power, feelers.
"Feel the Know," feelers say!
Our expansion expands us, as we ride the waves of time.
We evolve our flow, weaving the threads of love.
Growing the tapestry of the heart based culture.

We are visionaries peering through the spectacle
Of our collective novelty, a Hubble microscope...
We, fully living the possibility felt in our hearts,
Forge the tools and build the ships to sail to distant horizons seen and unseen, eons away.
From a community of landed architects, theorists and cogitators, anchored on the shore,
We, visionary sailors follow our full hearts, trusting.
We set sail on the holy ark of our destiny.
We seeing, feeling and hearing, courageously create the space for all to ride into the sea of the loving heart.

- a poem I wrote years ago... feels like I wrote it for today.

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