Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Luminous Space of the Heart

The whole goal of living is to become aware of our infinite heart-connection with all reality, the field of all beauty, awareness and conscious intelligence that has created you and of all the cosmos. To discover that you are NOT ONLY connected to the creative intelligence that dreamed the cosmos, but that YOU ARE the same creative intelligence that dreamed the cosmos. In the same way that a seed contains the tree.

‎"Wherever your mind wanders,
Wherever you journey,
Return to savoring
The Luminous Space of the heart!

Again and again return to
Where the breaths meet, fuse
and transform into each other.

Rest the attention in your blessed core
As you practice this, and continually be reborn into
The thrill of a new world."

- Vijnana Bhairava Verse 28 in "The Radiance Sutras"

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