Friday, November 26, 2010

Taking responsibility for how we're creating Reality. Now.

"We must very deliberately examamine our fundamental beliefs. Are they passive, simply explaining reality? Or are they active, giving structure to the Akashic Field, the quantum vacuum, to create experiences that reflect them? We will explore the possibility that the Akashic Field is essentially neutral, and will reflect in experience whatever strong convictionsand images we impose upon it. If we really know this, then we cannot interpret our experiences as verification of the truth of our convictions. As radical and preposterous as it may sound, maybe we make it all up as we go along, both on the individual and collective levels. Failure to even weigh such a possibility is the inherent danger of religious dogma. It constitutes a self-fulfilling prophecy-the belief in evil creates evil, and prophesies of doom engender apocalyptic scenarios.  This is most germane in surveying the religious insanity of the Middle East: Each side cleaves to its dogma and devotion, certain that the other is wrong and evil, while blithely unaware that both are reacting to manifestations of the underlying Akashic Field that they, themselves, have created.

We have reached a point in our development where we can function as conscious co-creators with the Divine.... We have the power to structure the Akashic Field with our thoughts, imaginings, and feelings, whether we are conscious of this aptitude or not. We must now take responsibility for doing so." 

"We must proceed with great caution. The ability to create is not tantamount to the ability to create wisely.  Once we become aware of how we manifest the content of our existence from the Akashic Field, we must also become aware of, and rigorously question, with what our manifestations  align themselves. Until fairly recently, the greater part of humanity has been thoroughly entrenched in egoic and pre-egoic mental structures, and has been unconsciously and rampantly cultivating from them.  Even most of those who live at the ego level, but who have a conscious awareness of the psychological techniques of manifestation, practice them from the intentionality of the ego, frequently believing that they are coming from a higher place."

"In recent years there has been an increasing presence of books, audio material, and workshops on the subject of manifestation. In and of itself, this is an encouraging sign, in that it indicates a fostering of inquiry and stronger sense of autonomy. The problem, however, is that nearly all of this material is being used for purposes antithetical to their aim - they are facilitating the augmentation of the ego. The ability to manifest is not a sign of spiritual evolvement or enlightenment. It is simply a skill - a use of available technology. What calibrates spiritual development is the tenor of our use of this technology-whether we employ it in the service of the ego or  of the Divine Plan."

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