Friday, June 05, 2009

Adjusting the very core of our values - an excerpt from an amazing book

Here's a quote from the amazing book "The Sacred Book of U"


"When we are cut off from the invisible Source from whence all things come, blind to the innate value and purity within ourselves and no longer recognizing the magic of Life in our children, we then give the highest value to the accumulation of wealth and fall into worshiping external idols. In any place where there is war and violence, we will not have to look far to identify leaders who worship the idols of money and power and then use fear to manipulate and control population."

"On the other hand, if we align with the invisible sacred Source touching the song within ourselves, we open our hearts to the diversity and abundance that is everywhere evident in Creation. We can then recognize our children as our mirrors; the environment as our mirror; even our enemies as our mirrors. Let us look squarely into the mirror and see our own faces. Then, let us reclaim our own power to create and manifest."

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