Tuesday, May 05, 2009


LA Yoga Magazine just published an interview with Carolyn Myss who is an expert in energy medicine, mysticism and spirituality.

She spoke of issues affecting the collective psyche of our society and how we must mend our inner state of being in order to bring about a better world around us.

She discussed the importance of community as the essential component for our journey of collective healing:

"Gather with others and share your creativity. This is what the wondrous Teresa of Avila calls creating a circle of grace with your friends. Start with three people and gather around a potluck dinner. Invite everyone to bring something, a dessert, or dinner to share. Bring in strangers and new friends, and whether you gather once a week or once every two weeks, the object is to make this gathering something to look forward to and make it a routine where you have a wonderful meal and read something inspirational that lifts consciousness, whether it’s a poem, a prayer or writing that gives hope. Become companions and share networks of information, what’s working and not working. Go around and see how everyone is doing and share creative ideas with each other. But keep it positive. Do not let this slip into a wound support group. Such gatherings are not about talking about the past. They are about nurturing each other and supporting each other’s spirits as well as sharing ideas. This is about making everyone feel positive on their life’s journey and about helping people network, and saying, “I know someone who could help you: I know this contact, I know that contact.” This is about becoming a soul resource: a body, soul, mind and intellectual resource, nurturing the stomach, the heart and the soul."

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