My dear friend Laurel Kitten is wisdom keeper doula.
Her words inspire:
Super Hero¹s Birth Oct.25, 2008
I have noticed that when I ask couple¹s in a neutral way how the birth of
their baby was, I commonly get answers that often will first start off with
a long pause that has their eyes turn inward and start looking around the
walls of their inner mind and body complexes. It is as if they are reading
their biological information hologram and taking different pieces of
information and inserting it into an order that allows them to feel ok about
what happened. They then speak skimming the surface, as if not to expose the
deep underbelly of what happened to them. Most often their children will not
know of their own birth stories as young adults.
When the same question is asked to couples who have birthed themselves and
their baby through the passage of Nature¹s blue print uninterrupted, they
seem to consistently respond in a different way. For these couple¹s they
seem to become more alive. Their stories are filled with passion and beauty,
strength and power, awe and humbleness. The children of these kinds of
births seem to usually know of their birth stories as young adults. These
stories are not seen or felt as much these days.
May we FREE our natural birthing and initiation Blue Print from the
endangered Species List. Reclaim it from the archives of Time. And may we be
inspired by those who have held the passage open for us in it¹s purest form
waiting for our return. Now that the Heaven¹s have aligned and the circle is
complete by the Serpent eating it¹s tail and sprouting wings, we can now
hear if we listen closely to the Lion Heart¹s Roar ~ speaking to His Kingdom
that now is the Time for All to Come Home. For those who did not know that
the serpent ate it¹s tail or that there ever was a serpent ~ listen more
closely within your own Lion¹s Heart to Eve¹s Dream and in time you will
As more of us return, more women¹s minds will unlock and they will free
themselves from the old program of the MATRIX. An outdated program no longer
needed. For Life has gathered enough information from that experiment. A new
program has been installed that returns us back to the Mother Land's
Greatest Dream of the Beauty Way.
In our Home Coming, we become Exalted for having left the Garden to then
return again by our own will. We choose to walk in the glory of Great
Spirit¹s Illumination by our reunion. For those in this Shine have reclaimed
their Maker's face within themselves and All of their Relations, a delicate
dance indeed.
We are the Flowering Humans of the Rainbow Nation. We know the Tree of Life
as ourselves. Our Nations symbol is the Tree of Life encircled by a Rainbow
Hoop with eagle feathers wrapped in red fabric hanging from it¹s branches.
We see with the vision and listening of the eagle. We the Bird Tribe ~ tied
together by the fabric of life through our Sacred Bloods.
Laurel Kitten
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