Well every once-in-a-while a writer is compelled to take some poetic license - or is it mythopoetick license?
Hmmm...poetry for a new story of humanity's future?
How about "forget your old future" as I wrote in a previous blog inspired by my friend Michael Gaio?
Below, I have written a piece of "mythopoetic prose."
I am particularly inspired to try out new word and idea forms with poetry from the writings of my "Elfish" friend named Delvin. I blogged about Delvin a while back.
During a conference presentation I found myself observing to be what I would describe as a new way of thought for our species.
As I listened to the presentation, I found the phrase best described as a 'contemplative permaculture' very interesting which is to take the discipline of permaculture and apply it in the realm of thought..
I was inspired a group of geniuses who spoke at the conference who are building an amazing developments in the suburban areas of Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. Their evolutionary company is called Aperion.
What I found particularly delightful is that these home builders showed in their presentation that they are inspired by quantum physics and a discipline called "complexity theory."
Reflecting on the days experiences all delivered me to a realm of pure deep thought.
In the evening after the conference, I wrote an email to a friend with whom I like to explore different word formations.
In that email I wrote this word combination as the "poem."