Saturday, August 27, 2022

Universal Mentorship

A teacher told me of one who embodied the synthesis of a number of different lineages of meditation traditions, and he who wove the streams of wisdom, handed down over eons into a universal philosophical framework for all people, 
which included and transcended all of the benevolent perspectives for better humanity 
into something comprehensive and lucid for all to recognize as the root wisdom of all of the sacred ways. 
A universal philosophy of being resonates with the silence of this recognition
One sage, Ramana Maharshi said the words were the teachings for those who did not understand the silence. The wordless wisdom, born from sitting in stillness with him. 
A smile is a thousand words. 


Sunday, August 14, 2022


 "531.01 Life is the eternal present in temporal. Life is the now event with reaction past and resultant future. Each individual life is a special-case articulation of the infinite variety of scenarios to be realized within the multidegrees of freedom and vast range of frequencies of actions that are accommodated by the generalized laws governing Universe. With death, the individual probably loses nothing but gains the insight and knowledge of all others as well." Buckminster Fuller Synergetics

Where did Egyptians come from before Egypt? An island?