Monday, August 07, 2017

The 10 things a father wants his son to know...

Ram Butler is a man I've known for over 30 years, we met in the Siddha Yoga Meditation Community in the early 80's. Ram is the creator of the "Siddha Yoga Correspondence Course" which and his current expression is "Living in the Truth of the Present Moment" blog and inquiry. Ram always has amazing comments on Facebook.

His latest is essential wisdom from an illumined soul, he wrote:

"Last night, my son Shane wrote and asked, 'If there were 10 things you'd want your son to know moving forward in life - what would they be?'
A wise son, I thought, openly seeking tips from his elders. Like a good father, I responded. He liked my list, and encouraged me to share it here with you:

1. Love your Self unconditionally. 

2. See the same Self in all others; gaze in the eyes of others with great love. 

3. Recognize the Truth that God in all His Glory dwells within you as your own Awareness of Being.

4. Where you focus your Awareness becomes your reality. 

5. Enjoyment is the highest form of worship. Therefore enjoy life in all its manifold expressions and manifestations. 

6. Do what you love, and love what you do. Make this a consistent practice. 

7. Forgive everyone for everything. Never hold a grudge. 

8. You are always guided by your own inner Light, and you can always trust that inner Light. 

9. You are pure and perfect just as you are--there is nothing to become. 

10. Always live in the eye of the hurricane when the world seems crazy all around you; live in your own secret heaven"

Where did Egyptians come from before Egypt? An island?