Saturday, July 20, 2013

Loving service heals and nourishes all of us...

Loving service to uplifting those around us is deeply nourishing to the movement of "Evolutionary Changemakers" 

Service to others feeds the soul with meaning, and addresses core existential crisis outlined below which many of us feel in response to our society's challenges.

Through service we discover the world is alive with meaning and intelligence. Many of us have been caught, according to Richard Tarnas,
"between the inner craving for a life of meaning and the relentless attrition of existence in a cosmos that our rational scientific world view has assured us is empty, dead, devoid of all purpose."
"The great irony suggested here of course is that it is just when the modern mind believes it has most fully purified itself from any anthropomorphic projections, when it actively construes the world as unconscious, mechanistic, and impersonal, it is just then that the world is most completely a selective construct of the human mind. The human mind has abstracted from the whole all conscious intelligence and purpose and meaning, and claimed these exclusively for itself, and then projected onto the world a machine. As Rupert Sheldrake has pointed out, this is the ultimate anthropomorphic projection: a man-made machine, something not in fact ever found in nature. From this perspective, it is the modern mind's own impersonal soullessness that has been projected from within onto the world--or, to be more precise, that has been projectively elicited from the world." from "The Passion of the Western Mind"
Serve others with love and free your heart to evolve!

Thursday, July 04, 2013

The question of the nature of consciousness in world process is not properly addressed by either science or religion....

Our modern mainstream culture has yet to arrive at a teleological understanding and cohesive way to incorporate the nature of mind and consciousness into a clear worldview.

Thomas Nagle in his book "Mind and Cosmos" addresses the topic head on:

"To sum up: the respective inadequacies of materialism and theism as transcendent conceptions, and the impossibility of abandoning the search for a transcendent view of our place in the universe, lead to the hope for an expanded buy still naturalistic understanding that avoids psychophysical reductionism. The essential character of such an understanding would be to explain the appearance of life, consciousness, reason, and knowledge neither as accidental side effects of the physical laws of nature nor as the result of intentional intervention in nature from without but as an unsurprising if not inevitable consequence of the order that governs the natural world from within.  That order would have to include physical law, but if life is not just a physical phenomenon, the origin and evolution of life and mind will not be explainable by physics and chemistry alone. An expanded, but still unified, form of explanation will be needed, and I suspect it will have to include teleological elements."

"All that can be done at this stage in the history of science is argue for the recognition of the problem, not to offer solutions."

Who's willing to recognize the question and recognize the problem with me?

Where did Egyptians come from before Egypt? An island?